Women Undercover | BBC World Service

Mimi Chakarova: Love, Art and Anger
| The Kitchen Sisters Present

The awesome fearlessness of female undercover reporters
| The New York Times Online

Going Undercover 
| Al Jazeera English

Undercover to Expose Sex Traffickers 
| BBC World's Outlook

"The Price of Sex" on Turkish TV
| CNN Turk

Correspondent Confidential
| VICE United States

UN.GIFT catches up with filmmaker Mimi Chakarova
| United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

A Human Life: Priceless No More
| The Ukrainian Week

Review | Global Policy Journal

WOMAN OF THE WEEK: MIMI CHAKAROVA | The Women in the World Foundation

Mimi Chakarova on CNN | Connect The World

Undercover Filmmaker | CNN Freedom Project

Mimi Chakarova on BBC World 

"Slavery 2012" Podcast | The Commonwealth Club of California

Interview with Mimi Chakarova | United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking

Embassy of the United States of America | Ottawa

My Defining Moment: Mimi Chakarova | CBC

Video Interview with Mimi Chakarova | Reeling the Reel

Interview with Mimi Chakarova | Channel Guide Magazine

Skin Trade Exposed |

"The Price of Sex" Podcast | Human Rights Watch

"The Price of Sex" | Telegraph21

"The Price of Sex" Is a Work of Art Huffington Post 

The Price of Sex on CNN  

The Price of Sex (Web Exclusive) | Cineaste Magazine

Daniel Pearl Awards Winners Announced | iWatch News

Interview with Mimi Chakarova | Pop Culture Classics

Ten Years Underground: A Photojournalist’s Quest to Expose the Sex Trade | Her Circle e-zine

The Price of Sex: An Investigation of Sex Trafficking | USAID Impact Blog by Mimi Chakarova

The Price of Sex Variety 

Review of 'The Price of Sex' (Bulgarian) Kultura

FILM: So Much More Than Just 'Trafficked Women'

Women in Hollywood indieWIRE

Human Trafficking, The Terrible "Price of Sex" NPR Talk of the Nation (Radio)

Review: Human Rights Watch Film Festival 2011 Film-Forward

Arts Express: Eco-Terrorists, Sex Slaves, And What's Up At The HRW Festival News Blaze (Radio)

Preview of the festival highlighting THE PRICE OF SEX (Russian) Reporter RU

Preview of the festival highlighting THE PRICE OF SEX (Russian)

The Human Rights Watch Film Festival Digs Deep, Asks the Hard Questions HuffPost

Almost Me Snap Judgment (Radio)

Exposing the Sex Traffickers The Crime Report

Journalist-Activist Chakarova Exposes ‘Price of Sex’ SF360

Women Make Movies Nabs Two Human Rights Films indieWIRE

An Interview with Mimi Chakarova Captive Daughters


The U.N. General Assembly signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, yet we continue to witness the sale of human beings and the degradation of women's bodies and minds. THE PRICE of SEX gives you a sense of what trafficking does to women.

Your reactions to the film have been an important step to encourage dialogue and provide a forum for ideas and solutions. We've posted some of them below:


Re: I was very moved by the plight of these women!
Dear Wayne, thank you for your earnest and thoughtful note. I am so glad that after watching "The Price of Sex" you were moved to action. Unfortunately, trafficking exists in the U.S. as well and many young women are sold against their will in different states of this country -- California, Texas and New York are leading in numbers. But you are right, the poverty and desperation that exist in other parts of the world aren't comparable. If you would like to get involved, here is how: You can also inform others of what you've learned. I would be grateful if you do. My best, Mimi
Thank You
I am an American woman who once trafficked herself under the illusion of power and freedom. I have never endured any of the tortures of women trafficked against their will. But by God's design, I have such a passion and heart for the fight to end human sex trafficking in my lifetime. I have been a committed activist for the last three years, working with amazing organizations like SCTNow and the Trafficking In America Task Force. One of the key components I find missing in the war against trafficking is lack of media resources and quality documentation to spread awareness. I watched "The Price of Sex" for the first time tonight, and was so moved. It is the best documentary on this issue I have ever seen. I think everyone, EVERYONE should be required to watch it. I know the facts about sex trafficking and yet my heart broke all over again as I watched it. You have a gift. Thank you so much for using it to make a difference. Thank you for giving these women a voice. You are an inspiration.
Re: Thank You
Dear Janelle, Thank you for posting your comment and for contributing to this public and international discourse. My hope has always been that the more people who see the film and share their own experiences and reactions, the more likely it is for us as a whole to change perceptions and reduce stigma surrounding trafficking. And I truly appreciate your kind words. All my best, Mimi
A very well covered story. It is sickening how these horrific acts happen in today's world. My heart goes out to all the women who are living in these situation. I'm glad I had a chance to watch your film. Thank you!
Re: Enlightening!
My team and I appreciate your kind words. Thank you for watching "The Price of Sex."
Thank you for opening my eyes
My family has always been well off so I've never felt the threats and hardships these women have seen and experience.This has really made me grateful of wat I have and sad to see so many girls and women are being hurt so bad and to know that most of their hardships start at home. As an american girl I have always though "no that can't happen to me or no way can such things still be thriving in our modern times" which really made this documentary shock me. In school we are being asked to write letters about a problem in the world that we have heard of and was wondering if you could tell me who I could send one to help fight this growing problem.
Re: Thank you for opening my eyes
Jasmine, you should look into this: And thank you for writing!
it is amazing..wot uv put urself thru to document ol of this.. not to mention the courage it took for the rest of the people whov been interviewd! i salute u for this awe inspiring piece of work! i feel and i would real like to request u to screen this movie here in india as well...
Re: Inspiring!
Thank you for your comment. I hope to come to India and screen the film there in November.
Thank you so much
Thank you for making this film - I am so moved. I am a graduate student and recently shared your work with my Sex, Power & Politics class. I hope we will have a chance for another screening in New York!
Re: Thank you so much
Thank you for your kind words. Please check the "screenings" page for future events in NYC.
Thank-you for your bravery
I just finished watching your documentary and I'm just shaking and crying right now . As a daughter a mother a sister and a friend I feel absolutely so desperate right now . I just wanted so badly to jump into the screen and take them with me . The post traumatic stress disorders these women are going through make me want to scream . I am amazed at how much restraint you had when you interviewed those johns , I couldn't have done it ! You are strong . Please anyone who reads this and has a son please teach him to have empathy , and to respect women . I'm thankful for the documentary channel for airing this , I wish the media would talk about this , instead of who wore what designer all the time . I wish organisations like PETA would stop with the sexism , I wish sports would treat women not as models but real athletes , but most of all I wish there was something I could do . It starts with me ......
Re: Thank-you for your bravery
You are absolutely right. It does start with you. The fact that you watched the film, posted your comment and are thinking of ways to help are all commendable. You can get involved by spreading the word – by letting as many people as possible know about what you've learned. Thank you for your thoughtful note!
Thank you
Mimi, I saw your documentary tonight 04/29 and hit me pretty strong. Of course I had heard of the sex trade for years. But your film seemed to put a person within the same walls as the young women that have been and are being subjected to this tragedy. I do realize they think they are going to greener pastures and may be able to send monies home to family. Easy prey as you put it. The fact they are young and want nice western things and lifestyle is so strongly desired, it blinds them to any stranger that comes up and makes a presummedly legitimate offer to work in the US or other western country. Your film made my heart hurt for the women shown and their stories. And I wish I could bring them here or directly support their families in some way. I read through some emails here and get the same feelings from some of them. As a gentleman and a Texan, it makes me want to go to these people that kidnap these girls and do them harm or make it where they would no longer think of doing it. It is just my nature because I was a bouncer and bodyguard as a profession and men here do not tolerate people like that. But we know it is impossible to deliver a taste of their own medicine to them. But I truly wish I could play an active role in helping these girls. I can only donate and spread the word of your work to help with donations. I understand that it is the corrution and misuse of funds sent for the purpose of helping. If only the US or United Nations would make sure the monies donated would get to them. An enforcer of sorts, to personally deliver the aid to them. That I would surely do if I could. I am sure you have read emails similiar to mine many times. I want to thank you for all you do and the risks you take to expose this. That you are very dedicated and brave. To continue your effort, but please be careful in these countries. I have been in a position of dealing with corruption in a foreign country and it is iffy that you get out of it or not. So I wish good blessings for you and your safety. You are doing wonderful things and should be proud and I hope you can bring attention to authorities that will truly take a stand against this horrible situation. If you need a bodyguard on any trip, I am at your disposal. It would give me great pleasure to help stop this and insure your safety. Regards and good luck and bless your heart for your efforts, Jack
Re: Thank you
Dear Jack, thank you for your warm and compassionate comment. I've received so many emails and letters since we released the film in 2011. And it's kind offers like yours that reinforce my belief in humanity. I sincerely appreciate it. All the best, Mimi
I call rubbish about this whole charade.
As someone who has worked in Eastern European nations as an AID contractor and direct hire (PSC/CTO) I believe that these stories of trafficking unsuspecting naive angelic blond angels and turning them into hardened harlots are grossly misrepresentative of the situation and highly sensationalized. Now, as in post early 21st century, the vast majority of these women know full well they will trade flesh for cash abroad and willingly, or at least apathetically, do so. I worked for a multinational development contractor and found myself as the (acting) DCOP of an anti-trafficking initiative in a FSU country. After a day or two in the office where i oversaw the doling out of various vouchers and public information campaigns I was really saddened at the stories that I heard the girls tell to the local staff. My russian was not perfect but good enough. Then later that week I saw a supposedly devastated girl in the city's poshest night club decked out to the 9s partying the night away. I saw her again the next week get into a brand new mid-range car. She was supposedly indignant, illiterate, and spoke no English. When she came into the office a few weeks later to get some another handout, I obtained her passport for a few moments, and saw no less than ten sojurns to turkey and the uae. The girl maintained that she had only been abroad once and was tricked into doing so. When I asked her again, she said that she had been on "holiday" to Dubai and Turkey. A poor indignant farm girl does not have the money to secure a visa and vacation abroad. After working on the project for a few months and drinking a lot with the local cops and pols I was convinced that forced trafficking does not really exist anymore. The truth is more complex: The girls are normally poor, lazy, and often malleable...although many are savvy and have been educated as doctors, nurses, and avocats. They don't have much cash but are told they can make the equivalent of one years salary in weeks abroad as hookers. The mamasan/pimp/broker takes a fee from 5-7k to turkey up to 20k in Dubai to cover expenses--visa fees, airfare, housing, food, clothing--for the girls. The girls must work to pay off the house fee and then get a cut...between 30-75%....of what they make after they pay off the pimp figure. It sounds like a lot of dough but some girls can easily make 10k+ a month in Dubai and Istanbul after house fees. That's a lotta loot for a poor gal from Kharkov. What often happens is that the girls decide they dont want to be hookers --understandably so-- and want to leave before they pay off the pimp figure. This obviously causes a problem. And while most of these pimps are business people who would rather kick a girl out then beat her up over a few grand in airfare...the heat/pay offs to the police for a problem is not in their fiscal interests... many are mean and abusive people and are not nice to the girls...and there are many women who are more than willing to sell their bodies for the cash to support their families and fund lavish lifestyles so enslaving people is not prudent...clubs, clothes, cars, etc...if you ever hit a nice club in vegas and see a bunch of pretty guady girls blowing cash like armegeden is upon us you know what I mean. These strippers/hookers love the life. Most Yanks can't fathom why a woman would opt to hook as opposed to work in a factory for peanuts. In many parts of the world being a hooker is not a bad option in relation to the other options available. yes, it's a Faustian choice but life is short, nasty, and brutish. Please note that I do not support prostitution and expect a bunch of lifetime viewing Oprah watching suburbanites to flame the heck outta me...but as long as their is poverty and envy people will do unsavory things to get money. Sorry but facts are facts.
Re: I call rubbish about this whole charade.
That may be true for those women that have chosen this lifestyle, but this is an injustice for the ones that have been forced into it or are trapped in it for whatever reason, and something has to be done!
Re: I call rubbish about this whole charade.
I would like to address you by your real name, but unfortunately that's not an option here or in the email you sent me. First of all, thank you. I have the feeling that my response or film won't probably change your perception, however, the reason for this page is to offer a platform for a public discourse. I've met too many young women in the last 10 years who've been broken and reduced to living like ghosts. I've been in homes where a girl wouldn't eat out of the same plate as her mother out of shame. I've seen drunk fathers call trafficked girls the same adjectives you use: "lazy," naive, stupid "hookers." And I can also tell by your "angelic blond angels" reference that you haven't had the chance to watch "The Price of Sex." I hope you do and that it reveals a deeper understanding of what many young women survive to tell. I wish you all the best, Mimi Chakarova
Re: I call rubbish about this whole charade.
Ms. Chakarova, Reasonable response. I concede that my facts are largely irrelevant to the greater issue. You are correct that the sexual servitude that these poor souls endure lays the groundwork for profound psychological trauma and dysfuntionaity for a long time to come. It matters very little if the girls are coerced or freely enter into the illicit contract. It’s not like anyone’s little girl grows up wanting to be a prostitute. Ditto for the money that the girls earn too. So what if the women spend the dough…they certainly earned it.*** FYI: most of them just blow it on silly stuff although a few set themselves up quite well with the proceeds. *** I suppose my question is are you making a movie simply to broaden awareness of the ills of prostitution? If so, bravo…the portion that I saw of your film was done well. It’s your film and you are fit to present your argument in any way you wish. Or are you an activist wanting to make a difference? If it’s the latter, I think it’s a losing battle. The fight is not against trafficking. The war is against poverty and their own sorry ass men. 90% of the women that I know in this business--and I know a lot—don’t have a father that owns up to his responsibilities and takes care of his daughter and raises her properly. The aftermath of the dissolution of the USSR made many of their fathers absent at best and useless abusive drunks at worst. The girls don’t have dads who teach them values or put food on the table. That, combined with poverty can be a noxious cocktail for a young lady with few options. While it’s rare that they sell their daughters and sisters into prostitution, I have seen nieces, “boyfriends” and villagemates all hock their womenfolk for a few hundred Euros. It’s disgusting. And yes, the local police and immigration folk often are in on the action. In one FSU country the head of anti-trafficking unit was found to be quite complicit in selling girls. Prostitution has always been an (awful) option for poor and disenfranchised women throughout civilization. Unfortunately, it always will be. No development program will change this ugly fact. As the rift grows between the haves and the have nots it will only get worse. American women are being trafficked within US boarders and many so called normal Western girls are engaging in quasi if not outright prostitution all across America. What solution do you envision? Forgive me for not disclosing my real name and using a proxy server anonymizer. Being perceived to not tow the company line on this issue would be detrimental to my career.
Re: I call rubbish about this whole charade.
yes ,you don't reveal your idenity because you are a coward and display beliefs as backwards as the people that traffic these women .poverty can cause desperation to many people but i truly believe these women are tricked into going to other countries for real jobs but when they get there its anything but what they were promised. i think bringing world wide awareness to the problem of human trafficking is a key to prevention.i'm amazed at your lack of empathy for others!! some of the adjectives you use to descibe women gives an insight into your mentality!! you lack knowledge of the world wide problem and your comments lack crediability!!
Re: I call rubbish about this whole charade.
Again, I have to say how much I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. You ask if we made the film to raise awareness. Yes. You'd be surprised how many people don't know what "human trafficking" entails. Which brings me to something else you mention. There is a big distinction between sexual slavery and prostitution. The film is about women sold into prostitution against their will and often locked in apartments, basements, hotel rooms in red light districts -- starved, beaten, gang raped, videotaped -- "If you ever try to run away, we'll send this to your family back home" -- and broken. Am I trying to change things? Absolutely. That's the power of film. It reaches millions and has the ability to raise questions by connecting the dots. Now, you are absolutely correct. It's not a simple solution. Poverty and desperation are at the core of why people get sold. But I grew up in poverty in Bulgaria and during that time, we didn't sell one another or prostitute ourselves. You have to add another element -- the family structure, in many cases, collapsed along with communism. It was the law of the jungle. Those who had resources fled immediately. Those who remained, continued with visions of a better life in the West. And many fell through the cracks of migration. Educating people is not enough. Unless we offer better economic opportunities, young women (and men) will continue to be at risk. The village where I grew up used to have 5,000 residents. A couple of years ago, there were hardly 500 people left. And most were the elderly. I'm sure you've seen many ghost towns with your own eyes. But so far, all we've written about is the supply of the equation -- where the women come from. The demand is what I've been after. I disagree with you on one point. If we throw our hands in the air and say, "This will always exist. It's part of human nature," then we are accepting something that should never be acceptable. In the ten years it took to make this film, people often asked me why I am wasting my time. "These women will never go on camera. These pimps will never talk to you. You can never expose corruption." If I believed these statements, I would have stopped. But there is a greater purpose of exposing what many don't want to see. By raising the public's consciousness, you ask people to think about their own patterns, perceptions, ways they treat one another. I can give you countless examples of conversations I've had with men and women, emails I've received, actions that would have never occurred had I decided years ago that it's all hopeless. I don't think it is and I am the last person to offer you a naive perspective.
I saw this documentary earlier today and was left feeling both overwhelmed by it's honesty and sick from the reality of it all. Hopefully more people will become aware of this problem. It is not just present in the locations featured in the film, but all over the world. I live in a smaller town in Virginia, and human trafficking is prevalent in larger cities just 30 miles away from me. A problem of this magnitude leaves one feeling overwhelmed when thinking of a solution, but awareness is a good place to start. To the creator of The Price of Sex documentary and this website: You have done a great thing by bringing this problem more into the open, and taking the time and effort to create such a powerful documentary. Thank you, and hopefully more people will become aware of the problem of human trafficking and take an initiative to see an end to it.
Re: Reactions...
Thank you, Mr. Hendrickson. I appreciate your kind words.
Hello Mimi, First of all, thank you for the work you have done. I am writing from India and our country has equal or worse stories waiting to be told. I wish somebody would have the courage to do something. I own a company and we've been researching and human trafficking in India for sometime now. It desperately needs to go mainstream and needs something like the documentary you have done. I don't want to go on about our work - because its a mere drop in the ocean. Let me know if you ever come to India... God bless every effort of yours. PS: trying to get a copy of your documentary in India. Any idea how?
Re: India
Thank you for your post. I will definitely let you know if and when I travel to India. And to obtain a copy of "The Price of Sex," please contact our international distributor:
Two Sisters in Moldova
I appreciate your coverage of this abuse of women. Their needs to be more done to stop this. I was particularly touched by the two sisters in Moldova. How are they doing and can donations be sent for their use towards a better life? Keep up the good work.
Re: Two Sisters in Moldova
Please email me at and let me know what you have in mind so I can put you in touch with the right organization. Also, did you take a look at
So Strong and Right!!
While watching this documentary, i cannot expalain, what was going on inside of myself... This movie is the strongest one i watched ever! Strong and Right! While wathcing i was crying, because it's so awfull and heartless!!! This Summer i was going to go to Greece to work, but now i began thinking must i or not? It's really scary me a little. So, i think finally i will stay in my city, not making a risc... Respect for the dyrector of this movie! I am under the strong expression! Sincerelly from Georgia
Re: So Strong and Right!!
Thank you for writing and sharing your reaction to the film. If you decide to go, make sure you do plenty of research and verify the existence of the job through other networks in your country. Also, make sure that many of your loved ones have your contact information and know exactly what type of work you'll be doing. The more people are informed, the more you educate yourself, the better the tools at your disposal.
The two P's that should be discussed in order to find a real solution to human trafficking
I first learned about the trafficking of women for the purpose of sexual slavery when I read Victor Malarek's book, The Natashas some time ago. It is unfortunate to see the problem has only become worse since this book came out. The reason I believe this problem has become worse is because raising awareness about human trafficking is not enough. I loved watching the film, The Price of Sex, but I was frustrated by the Q & A session that followed it. Most of the questions posed by audience members and most of the responses from the director did not focus on the source of the problem, something I call the two P's: Patriarchy and prostitution. Human trafficking will always exist so long as there is prostitution, and prostitution will exist so long as there is gender inequality. To me, it is that simple. If we do not challenge the male privilege and power that perpetuates society's acceptance of prostitution, then human trafficking will continue unabated. Reading some of the comments below only demonstrates to me how much harder feminists need to work in order to inspire people to think critically and challenge the age old notion that “prostitution is the oldest profession”. As Victor Malarek said to his audience when speaking about his book about human trafficking (and I was lucky enough to be there too!), “Prostitution is not the oldest profession; rather, it is the oldest oppression.” Exactly. Thank you, Victor, for telling the truth. To Anonymous Dancer and Jan 12, please stop perpetuating the neo-liberal myth of the “empowered” “happy hooker” who “chooses” to be a prostitute. Sorry, but if there are women who fit this description, they are a very tiny minority. Ultimately, the only difference between a victim of trafficking and other women in prostitution is the type and level of coercion used to get and keep them in the “industry”. Read your own writing on the wall, Anonymous Dancer: “I did meet many women who needed the money much more than I did...” Exactly. Women do not choose to go into prostitution, they are forced into it because of lack of choices to do other work that pays them enough to make a living. Although not as overt, it is still a form of coercion. Poverty can coerce people into doing many desperate things... Mimi, I don't know if you have heard of The F Word Media Collective in Vancouver, but you should really check them out. They have a blog and a radio show. One of the most popular topics they discuss is prostitution. They also (not too long ago) interviewed Victor Malarek about his most recent book about human trafficking, The Johns: Sex for Sale and the Men Who Buy It.
Re: The two P's that should be discussed in order to find a real solution to human trafficking
I appreciate your point of view and will keep what you wrote in mind. I've also read both of Victor's books and respect his work. We've shared many ideas on trafficking through the years and why it continues to go on. I'm sorry that my responses after the screening you attended were frustrating. I try to cover the complexity of the issue in the little time given after each screening but I hope the film itself displays the most important facts.
I can't tell you how moved I was by the screening at the Curzon on Friday 23rd March. I have now finished writing up all the notes I took and compiled them into this blog post to help raise awareness: Please do read it if you have time. I hope to write my dissertation on sexual violence next year and this has certainly given me food for thought! Thanks to Mimi for taking so much time out to do the Q&A and to speak to everyone afterwards. Nicole
Thank you, Nicole! And please utilize the resources on this site. There is plenty of relevant information to help with your dissertation. Best of luck!
Human Rights
I just caught this on CNN and decided to look into a bit more. I was a bit discouraged to find out that the the documentary is not as accessible as I would have hoped for it to be. I want to thank you for doing this. I do my own "projects" and I am blown away by what you have just done. You are a hero. I think it is very important that as many people as possible are aware of this. Is it possible for you to set this up for viewing on YouTube? You can set up a monetary charge from it, which will also help deter the "trolls" How much would it cost for me to be able to legitimately to do that myself? I would like to offset the cost by monetization. I believe, there is a demographic of people who will probably never see this, because the idea of "movie screenings, going somewhere to see a movie" is not part of their lifesyle but that does not mean that they do not care. There is a demographic of young people who live on YouTube as well. I was just listening to your podcast on 8:49 I have to agree with you, there is a notion outside of the Gated Community U.S.A. that life is what I like to personally describe as "Disney World" I was born in Russia, to this day I still look for a way to use that to make a difference. I stood around the U.S. Embassy in Moscow and watched as young people exited in tears, as if their lives are over because they did not get a visa to come here. I am fortunate to be a citizen of both countries. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you this, there is a lot more that I would love to share with you, some ideas and such but I am afraid of bringing controversy. Knowing about things like this, bringing this to the attention of people is important, and obviously continuing to do this kind of work is very important. Thank you again, and I might just have to wait for a screening to come around in NYC. Thought I am in my mind thinking of at least seeing if you are interested in having me, well try to do something to organize a screening around here. Things like this really make me sad, I watched the short clip, I know a little bit about these "villages" in Russia. I am really moved by your efforts.
Re: Human Rights
Oleg, you have a good point and we will show the film online but a little bit more time has to pass in order to do this the right way. I also want to urge you to come to our next screening in New York. It will be this April and I'll post the details very soon.
Thank you
Mimi, just to share my first raw reactions to the content of the website: It makes me nauseous, sick to my stomach. Makes me feel helpless and overwhelmed. Makes me so outraged. Outraged. Makes me feel grateful for the work that you do. And it absolutely breaks my heart, to tears, to unspeakable pain. At 19, I left Russia to go to NYC. For work. I never went back. Ten years later, I am an educated professional with a passion for what I do, and with choices to not do that, if I wanted so. Somewhere between luck, my own sense of apprehension, and a set of circumstances, I never became one of the characters so gracefully portrayed in your movie. In one of your video segments you question: "I wonder what would have happened to me if I never left?" I, too, wonder that... I wonder how many times, have walked a line between becoming a slave, becoming someone's property, a thing, a cheap sell...and finishing my doctorate in psychology. Two extremes. Yet, what a fine line. The stories just made it all real for me again. And reminded me that I have an honor and responsibility to do lots of work in this arena. Thank you.
Re: Thank you
Your words mean the world to me. Truly. Thank you. Yes, walking that line... That was one of the main reasons for making the film.
Sara Kruzan
Your documentary has so many striking similarities to the Sara Kruzan story. She is a child sex trafficking victim serving 25 years to life in California.
Re: Sara Kruzan
I don't know about Sara Kruzan's story but will take a look. Thank you for sharing.
Very much truth with a tremendous need!
After living in Eastern Europe for the past eleven years as an American born citizen, I know for sure that the reporting here is very accurate and true. Even though the facts may be somewhat shocking and even downright disgusting; the cold, hard truth is that desperation and poverty are for sure the two most exploited weaknesses sought out by "human traffickers". We are privileged to have an opportunity to interact with children and young people along with their families who are willing to listen. It is my heartfelt desire to do much more to alleviate this atrocity here in Romania, as well as in other developing former soviet-bloc nations. Two mandatory ingredients are urgently needed and seriously lacking in the battle; that being finances for logistical tactics and personnel (manpower) to implement the needed strategy to combat this evil and the well-organized forces behind it. "Human-trafficking" affects all aspects of life and your very own family could very well be the next target and victim of this ruthless crime of humanity even if you live in America. I appreciate this chance to speak out and share only a small word of what I know to be the tip of a mighty and powerful iceberg!
Re: Very much truth with a tremendous need!
You are absolutely on point! I couldn't agree more with you. Thank you for such an intelligent and thoughtful comment.
It's so hard to comprehend....
Mimi, I had the opprotunity to watch your film on the doc channel tonight. Thank you for such a well done documentary. I am aware of human trafficking, but you have truely opened my eyes. I am deeply disturbed that many families of the girls had no clue, or no care to know where their daughters were. Is this truely the case, or are the families just unaware of the risks when their daughters leave home? I understand that opprotunity is scarce, but are there no programs or orginazations that can step in to help educate the families while the girls are still young? Or perhaps an adoption program to offer more opprotunities for their daughters? My heart went out to the teenagers you interviewed who were so trusting and young. I watched through tears, asking God why, and thanking Him at the same time for my daughter and all I have been blessed with. God bless you for the work you are doing and may He be with you on your quest to do what is right.
Re: It's so hard to comprehend....
There are plenty of organizations that do amazing work and spread awareness, but education is not enough. Unless women are offered the opportunities to have decent lives and employment, they will continue falling in the traps of traffickers. Desperation and vulnerability are two factors that traffickers and pimps rely on. Not to mention the steady demand for young flesh. We need to address the issue of trafficking on both levels -- supply AND demand. My hope is that the more people know about the brutality of slavery, the more willing they would be to step outside their own comfort zone and get involved.
Your Documentary on Sex Trafficking
Dear Mimi, What an eye opening documentary, thank you so much for caring enough to do this and also for your courage. As was mentioned in the Documentary, we are not "really" aware of it the United States and I think that many people would not choose to believe this grim truth, it is unimagineable that in this day in 2012 that this is happening to so many young girls and women. Do you believe it to be true that many of the citizens do not know how to live and function in a democracy as we have always had in America, that if they had been transmissioned (for lack of a better word) into a different way of living that possibly their countries could or would be thriving? I ask this in sincerity in trying to find a solution to this fate that has come upon so many women. I was astonished at the numbers mentioned in your documentary. I can not express in words the effect of this documentary on my own very emotions. I personally understand not only how they could be deceived but more importantly how it has to have ruined many lives. Such emotional scars do not go away. It is slavery and it is abuse. I don't know what can be done, but as many billions as our government invests in other countries (and I would guess Turkey to be a beneficiary of such funds), why couldn't we do something for places like Meldova. Thank you for enlightening me, and I hope that you reach to all ends of the earth in your quest to try and stop this.
Re: Your Documentary on Sex Trafficking
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Human trafficking is a huge problem in the U.S. as well -- both foreign women and children brought here from Asia, Central America and Eastern Europe as well as underage American girls trafficked from state to state. I encourage you to find out more. The Polaris Project in Washington D.C. has done a lot of work in the anti-trafficking movement. Also, the U.S. State Department publishes the Trafficking In Persons Report (TIP) every year and you can download it free of charge.
Where can I watch the film?
I'm in Montreal and I've missed the Concordia screening and the TV one tonight by a couple of hours... Is there a place online? A dear friend of mine got lured into another country with a group of girls, under the false promises of a gig for their folk dancing ensemble. They got drugged up, their passports taken away - and even though I don't know the full story, I learned from a mutual friend later that she committed suicide shortly after coming back home. She was a free spirit and a gentle soul, and it's bitter-sweet that I got reminded of her today, after decades of blocking it out of my memory. It's so profoundly sad and infuriating at the same time! I need to see your film.
Re: Where can I watch the film?
The story of your friend is heartbreaking. Unfortunately, there are many young women who never live to see justice served. Thank you for sharing her story and keeping her memory alive. We don't have any upcoming screenings in Montreal but if that changes, I'll let you know. And "The Price of Sex" is not available online yet -- it is still shown at festivals, independent cinemas and on television.
Is a French version of the film available or in the works?
A number of us would like to see it screened or aired on Canadian TV.
Re: Is a French version of the film available or in the works?
Not yet but we are working on it as well as in many other languages.
Re: Is a French version of the film available or in the works?
Looking forward to it, as the film has generated much interest in Franch Canada and is being advertised on progressive European websites such as that of the European Women's Lobby. If I can be of help, I'll be glad to: I am an experienced translator of both print and audio-visual feminist documents.